Also by Bruce Edward Hall

 $1,380 per Night, Double Occupancy

A Reader's Repertoire (HarperCollinsCollege, 1996) A writing textbook incorporating a collection of nonfiction essays by such disparate authors as Mark Twain, Virginia Woolf, Garrison Keillor, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Amy Tan. Bruce Edward Hall's story, "Ghosts," was later developed into Tea That Burns...

Asia in New York City; A Cultural Travel Guide (Balliett & Fitzgerald, 2000) A sophisticated, in-depth exploration of the Asian side of the great city, covering everything from food to health care relevant to South, and Southeast Asians. Unfortunately, the information in the "Chinatown" chapter written by Bruce Edward Hall was "corrected" by an inexperienced fact-checker, leaving several yawning errors in what is his otherwise literary and informative walking tour of Manhattan's Chinatown.

The National Story Project Anthology (Holt, 2001) Author Paul Auster has assembled his favorite essays from his popular National Public Radio series of quirky, short nonfiction in this collection, I Thought My Father Was God; And Other True Tales from NPR's National Story Project. Bruce Edward Hall's "$1,380 Per Night, Double Occupancy" is a look at the eight, sometimes touching, sometimes bizarre roommates he had during a long stay in a big New York City hospital.

Henry and the Kite Dragon (Philomel, 2002) In Bruce Edward Hall's first children's book (aimed at second through fourth graders) eight-year-old Henry Low is taught to make and fly kites from the roof of his Chinatown home, only to end up in a dramatic confrontation with his neighbors in Little Italy, and ultimately a new understanding of their lives.
Available Spring, 2004.

I Thought My Father Was God; and Other True Tales from NPR's National Story Project, $1,380 Per Night, Double Occupancy 

Tea That Burns : A Family Memoir of Chinatown 

Diamond Street: The Story of the Little Town with the Big Red Light District 

American Heritage A Walk Through Chinatown with My Great Grandfather

TimeOut The Forbidden City

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