Bruce Edward Hall
April 14, 1954 - October 31, 2003
NY Sun Obituary
October 29, 2005, Burial Service, Eulogy by
Herbert Hall
March 27, 2010,
Memorial Service for Herbert Hall

Henry and the Kite Dragon wins
Jane Addams Award
press release
Henry Chu lives in Chinatown in the 1920s; his favorite thing to do is help
Grandfather Chin create beautiful, elaborate kites and to fly them.
Unfortunately, Tony Guglione and his friends from Little Italy (the next
neighborhood over) do not possess the same respect and awe as Henry and his
friends and in the opening sequence, it's rocks from Italian kids that destroy
one of Grandfather Chin's most beautiful kites. Over and over again, they tear
down these gorgeous creations until Henry and his friends confront the boys,
only to learn that it's how the kites frighten their homing pigeons that they
don't like. The boys reach a compromise, dividing the day's flying between
them. Hall's story, based an incident in his father's life, subtly teaches that
bigotry and hatred is often based in ignorance.
Low fills his pages with vibrant, glowing color for the kites and expressive
faces that allow the reader to feel the passion, fear, and finally acceptance
of the characters. The varying perspectives from street level to rooftop, from
distance to close-up, all create a vividly imagined scene. An excellent
resource for teaching diversity-and a little urban history as well. (Picture
book. 5-9).
Buy Henry and the Kite Dragon
($11.19 ― 30% off list
See photos of Book Signing party
The Muppets Take Manhattan
Literary Work
I Thought My Father Was God; and Other True Tales from NPR's National
Story Project, $1,380 Per Night, Double Occupancy
Tea That Burns : A Family Memoir of
Chinatown - The history
of New York City's Chinatown, as told by a fourth-generation Chinese-American
The Story of the Little Town with the Big Red Light District - The
true story of small-town prostitution and institutionalized vice. Two books on
fascinating aspects of New York State history.
American Heritage
A Walk Through Chinatown with My Great Grandfather
TimeOut The Forbidden
City Also by Bruce Edward Hall
curriculum vitae